One of our many missions this year is to provide a better service to our hardcore of RPG fans that frequent the premises. Well, I'm pleased to say that stage one of our mission is now complete. We've been stocking D&D for a long time, the Fantasy Flight Warhammer RPGs have been around since late last year and now we've added: World of Darkness (including the Werewolf and Mage settings), Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder, Traveller and Tunnels and Trolls into the mix. That pretty much gives us a decent coverage of all the most popular RPGs of right now.
But don't forget that whayt we hold in stock is only the beginning. We can quickly get hold of pretty much any currently-in-print RPG rulebook or supplement - with over a thousand RPG products in stock at our suppliers at any one time, we can be fairly certain of getting you whatever you want, whenever you need it. Put us to the test :) Anyway, you can check out all the stock items over at the RPG section of the website. Enjoy!
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