Thursday 21 February 2008

Warhammer Night at the Bus Stop

Play Warhammer or Warhammer 40K? Live in Ayrshire? Superb. Bus Stop Toy Shop is delighted to announce another great weekly event. Thursday night, 5:30pm - 8:00pm, Bus Stop Toy Shop, Irvine Road, Largs. Bring your army and get battling with fellow enthusiasts. Need more details? Give us a call on 01475 689892.

Meet The Uglydolls No 5 - Icebat

Ice Bat, comes from an Ice Cave and loves hiding inside freezers. Everything
he touches turns to Ice yet profoundly he warms your heart. Ice Bat thinks you
are cool and he wants to chill with you.

Find out more about Uglydoll here.

Friday 8 February 2008

Zeebeez Go Crazy at the Bus Stop

Another product currently on our hot list, due to massive TV advertising, are ZeeBeez. These are a whole pile of fun. Kind of like a giant version of those little popping toys you used to get, except these bad boys jump six feet into the air. Can you catch them?

Great active fun for everyone. To find out more about ZeeBeez, go here.

Gormiti Launches at Bus Stop Toy Shop

Possibly destined to be the number one toy of the year, Gormiti has finally arrived on these shores. The Invincible Lords of Nature are set to take over as the year progresses. Each collectable character builds up in to a team to play the game - kind of like Chess meets Trading Cards with monsters. Fantastic fun guaranteed.

In it's native Italy, it's estimated that an incredible 30 million Gormiti products were sold in the run up to Christmas, so don't say that we didn't warn you!

To be amongst the first to get your hands on Gormiti, go here.