We're getting excited about this at the moment - Free RPG Day (Saturday 18th June) heads towards us rapidly :) Free RPG Day is the day that the RPG industry gives a little back to all their loyal followers. Quite simply if you walk through the door of a participating store, you get something good for nothing, nada, nil, zilch. How good is that?
That's far from all though, when it comes to Bus Stop - we're really going to town for the weekend, with in store gaming going on right across the weekend of the 18th and 19th as Free RPG Day gets to take over the shop. We've got Serenity RPG on the Saturday afternoon, Call of Cthulhu and All Flesh Must Be Eaten on the Saturday night. Sunday sees us unleashing Fantasy Flight's Black Crusade for the first time, with a great quickstart adventure and Sunday night sees us finish up with some Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying.
If you're an RPG fan, and fancy signing up for a game (they're all FREE by the way), head over to
our Facebook page, and click on the events tab. If you can't make it for a session though, don't worry - just make sure to pop your head round the door and get something good for nowt :)