Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Oops We Ran Out of Shining Darkness

In common with virtually every other Yu-Gi-Oh! retailer in the land, we've gone and run out of the latest Yu-Gi-Oh! booster, The Shining Darkness. There ain't gonna be any around for the next month or so unfortunately, until the unlimited print run comes out.

Fear not though - we've organised a few treats on the Yu-Gi-Oh! front for you. Not one, but three great restocks are in. First up, we've got the hugely popular Kaiba Duelist Pack, back by popular demand. Secondly, the Machina Mayhem deck makes a welcome return and finally (possibly for the last time) Raging Battle, the first Konami only booster is making a guest appearance. Three great Yu-Gi-Oh! products to keep you going. Don't say we're not good to you!

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