Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Is Filly The New Magno-Man?

Filly arrived in our shop on Friday and the early clamour for them tells us that it's the next big thing. They're a collection of 20 small pocket sized horses. Drop by and see what we're talking about. They're cool and the latest must have for the girl about town.


Unknown said...

Hi there, trying to track down these toys for my daughter to finish her collection. do you still sell them? or could you possibly give me some more information about them ie manufacturer etc so i can do a decent search! thank you x

Duncan Conner said...

Hi Rebecca,

Yes we still have some left - to the best of my knowledge they've stopped making them, but we should have the missing ones - jump over to our website and use the contact form to send me a list of the ones you need. We can sort it from there.

Kind regards
