Monday, 14 March 2011

New in Stock This Week

It's a busy start to the week for stock arrivals. First up, we've got one of the most eagerly anticipated arrivals of every spring, Match Attax Extra. Arriving tomorrow, Match Attax Extra features all the updates to the Premiership from the January Transfer Window. There's also plenty of other goodies too - watch our Match Attax Guide Page for more details in due course.

We've also got a whole pile of new Yoohoo & Friends plushies - they continue to be one of the big hits in store just now, and we can't wait to see what the new ones look like. There's also badly needed Zoobles restocks arriving. Phew - just before we run out of the last lot.

Finally, and possibly most excitingly, we've got the arrival of Eggbods (pictured). We saw Eggbods at Toy Fair this year, and well, we think they're pretty cool - shop customers, do drop in and let us know what you think. It's no co-incidence that they're being launched in time for Easter - they make a novel alternative to chocolate - but we have a suspicion that they might go on to be one of the crazes of the year - we'll see.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Pokemon is B(l)ack (and White)

Now I'm sure all our biggest fans are well aware that I'm a bit of a Pokemon anorak. If you weren't, you won't know how excited I am about the release of Black & White across all the various Pokemon guises.

There's a new series of the anime (and it started in real style last weekend), the new console games (I've still to get my hands on a copy, but it wont be long) and (where the shop comes in), the new trading cards.

This week, we have the first Pokemon Trading Card release of the Black & White era, and it's a little bit special. The Black & White Sneak Peek tin contains what you'd normally expect in a Pokemon tin - there's four booster packs from previous releases. But then it gets good. Each of the three tins contains a 5 card promo from the new Black & White Generation, then there's the shiny card which features one of the brand new starter Pokemon - Oshawott, Snivy or Tepig, PLUS you get the starter Pokemon on the shiny card in figure form too. Uber-cool.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Finally, All Coming Back In

At Bus Stop Towers, we hate it when we run out of stuff that you love. We're used to it happening at Christmas Time, but when it happens in February, it means we've got some pretty hot crazes on our hands. Finally though, there's light at the end of the tunnel, and a few things we've been desperately trying to get hold off arrive back in stock tomorrow.

Firstly there's Zoobles. If you're one of the people who've been trooping in each day to check if we have them, tomorrow it's good news time. Last time around we could only get the two-packs (Toobles) and what we did get lasted all of five minutes. This time, we've got single packs, double packs and our first glance at playsets too. They should last a little longer this time, but I'd still advise you to come and see us sooner rather than later.

Then there's the other hot property of the moment, Moshi Monsters. Whilst we've managed to keep some of the plush moshlings in stock, our first batch of the large talking Moshis vanished in the blink of an eye. They reappear tomorrow, as do the Moshi Monsters Mash Up trading cards we've been trying to get for months. Happy days :)