Friday, 9 May 2008

Mandy Mix Up Arrives (Finally)

If you look regularly at the coming soon page on our website, you'll have seen that we've had a logo for a certain product called Mandy Mix Up there for over a year now. The date kept going back, but now we've seen these latest must have dolls, we know the wait has been worthwhile. There's six different six-inch dolls to collect, and the accessories can be mixed and matched from each one. (Hence the name - Mix Up - you see!) Very cool indeed.

To buy Mandy Mix Up, go here.

Crazy Bones Craziness

The number one playground craze of the moment - we think we're on top of it in terms of stock, but only the weekend will tell. The Gogo Crazy Bones phenomenon seems to be gathering momentum day by day. We went a few days without stock there - whoops, sorry if you came looking. As I write, we have a few hundred packs in stock, but they're already going down fast...

If you want to grab some Crazy Bones, go here.